MiNES - Micro & Nano Electronic Systems Group

The main goals of the Micro&Nano Electronic Systems Laboratory (MiNES) of Politecnico di Torino are the study and the realization of micro&nano systems for several application fields, in particular for electronics and sensors.

The laboratory facilities were setup to cover the different technological requests for the implementation of complete systems, where the integration has a key role.

For these reasons MiNES joins both technological and design competences for the development of novel devices, circuits and systems at different levels, from nano to micro and to the final realization of solutions for signal and data management. MiNES deals with the design and fabrication of Silicon based MEMS and NEMS, technological transfer, education.

MiNES team is composed of several different competences. Are part of the group Electrical, Biomedical and Nanotechnology Engineers, Physicists, Computer Science experts. Thanks to this complementarity of its members, MiNES can deal with actual Smart System Integration challenges, where the interaction of different technological competences has a key role.

MiNES Group was and is involved in many research, industrial and academic projects, in particular at European level (Framework Programmes, ECSEL, Erasmus+).

In MiNES Laboratory in the past years more than 200 students developed their Master Thesis works and 14 PhD students were graduated from the group.

MiNES Group Skills

Smart System Integration 95%
Biomedical Applications 90%
(Bio)Sensors and ReadOut Circuits 90%
Multiphysics Modeling 80%
Microelectronic Design 85%
Technology Transfer 75%
Education and eLearning 95%